Join this Virtual Summit, co-organized by ControlCase and Jscrambler, dedicated to empowering you with strategies in cybersecurity and compliance. We will provide valuable insights into the emerging requirements of PCI DSS v4.0 and methods for mitigating security incidents and data breach risks, especially concerning payment pages. 


• Welcome
• Digital Skimming Patterns: Gain insights from Jscrambler’s Pedro Fortuna 
• PCI v4 Preparation Keynote: John Elliott delivers essential insights
• ControlCase Service Overview & Jscrambler Demo
• Panel discussion with industry experts, John Elliott,  Pedro Fortuna, and Chad Leedy

• Q&A Session



Register here:

Meet the Speakers


Pedro Fortuna - circle-1Pedro Fortuna
Jscrambler CTO & Co-founder   

JohnElliot - circle 2John Elliot   
Security Advisor at Jscrambler  


Jeffrey Cleveland - circle-1Jeffrey Cleveland   
Pre-Sales Engineer at Jscrambler

Controlcase - photoChad Leedy   
Head of Strategic Accounts at ControlCase   

jscrambler horiz-white-3

Jscrambler has more than a decade of experience focused solely on defending against client-side threats, accidental or intentional. Whether it's your code or someone else’s, you’ll have control.